About Us

Welcome to Tangerine Bug Studio!

We want to spread our love for videogames by crafting fun and interesting experiences for both navigated and new players.

We have many homes where we work from, one of which is our studio in Milan.

Tommaso Martelli

Tommaso is the game designer and founder of Tangerine Bug Studio. After having assimilated loads of comics, movies and games for years he fell deep into the basement of The Binding of Isaac and felt the call of indie development. He dreams about creating something as cool as the stuff he loves dearly.

Luca di Pietro

Luca is both an electronic engineer and a basketball coach. He spent several years working as a software developer in various IT companies before leaving everything behind and pursuing his dream of becoming a game programmer. He has a great passion for video games, especially souls-likes and platformers.

Roberto Zambaldo

Roberto is our game artist. His long afternoons of Lara Croft, fighting games, Disney cartoons and anime eventually sparked his interest for concept art and animation. One of his dreams is to create such a memorable character that someone would cosplay them at a convention.



Via Tucidide 56
Milan, Italy 20134